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Pregnancy Care

What are the negative physiological symptoms of pregnancy?

pregnant couple relaxingStudies have found that approximately 50% of all expectant mothers develop lower back pain at some point during their pregnancies. This is especially true during the third trimester when your baby’s body gains the most weight. Chiropractic Care throughout pregnancy can relieve, and even prevent the pain and discomfort frequently experienced during pregnancy, as well as creating a more relaxed, functional environment to facilitate an easier, safer delivery.

During pregnancy, your centre of gravity shifts forward to the front of your pelvis. This additional weight causes stress to the joints of your pelvis and lower back. Moreover, as your baby grows in size, this additional weight causes the curvature of your lower back to increase. This places significant stress on the fragile facet joints on the back part of your spine. Subsequently, any pre-existing spinal conditions that you may have sustained before pregnancy may be exacerbated as both your spine and pelvis become overtaxed. This can lead to continuous pain and discomfort in your lower back muscles and joints as well as an increased difficulty to perform normal daily activities.

How The Bio Mechanix can help

Thankfully, regular chiropractic care throughout your pregnancy can help alleviate pressure on your spine and pelvis, helping you to cope with the physical stress of pregnancy, by restoring your body’s normal state of balance.

So much so that many of our pregnant clients have found that undergoing chiropractic care has helped them avoid the use of pain medications during their pregnancy.

At The Bio Mechanix, we are committed to the mental and physiological wellbeing of all our clients throughout the various stages of their pregnancy. We utilise state of the art medical equipment to alleviate and strength your spine, muscles and joints, as well as offering gentle massage therapy and exercise advice which is individually tailored to accommodate the needs and abilities of each of our clients. We also recommend acupuncture to help alleviate the symptoms.

Listed below are but a few of our chiropractic tips for pregnant women:

  • Receive chiropractic adjustments in order to maintain a healthy skeletal structure and function throughout pregnancy and during childbirth,
  • Undertake daily exercise: low impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or stationary cycling are suitable cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women,
  • Avoid jerking or bouncing movements as well as weight bearing exercises: If you experience nausea, dizziness or weakness of any kind whilst exercising, cease exercise immediately,
  • Wear flat shoes with arch supports to prevent injuries to your foot muscles or ligaments,
  • When picking up children, bend from the knees, not the waist in order to prevent the risk of lower back injuries,
  • When sleeping, lay on your side with a pillow between your knees to alleviate lower back pressure,
  • Eat several small meals or snacks every few hours, as opposed to three large meals per day: Eating small meals will help alleviate nausea, stabilize blood sugar and allow your body to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods that you eat,
  • Undergo deep tissue massage therapy treatments which will comprehensively to support the healing process of your injured muscles and joints,
  • Speak to your doctor about prenatal vitamin with between 400 and 800 micrograms of folic acid every day: This is because folic acid has been proven to dramatically reduce the risk of neural tube defects in a developing fetus. However, check with your doctor before taking any vitamin or herbal supplement ensure it is safe for you and your baby.

We Can Help

For more information on chiropractic care for your pregnancy, why not call The Bio Mechanix today and begin to revitalise your health and wellbeing!


Pregnancy Chiropractor | 020 7731 7640